Colorful Pop Art Pet Portrait

This sweet pup passed away, and his family wanted to do something for their little girl to memorialize him. They decided that it should be fun and whimsical, so they asked me to create a colorful pop art pet portrait of Bear to hang in their daughter’s room.

I have just recently added the pop art pet portraits to my custom portrait styles, so this was a new request for me. But after giving it some thought, I realized what a perfect application this is of the pop art portrait style! What better way to give a child a memorial of their pet than a happy, bright, fun portrait? It makes the memory of their sweet friend joyous and lively, which is no doubt just the way their relationship had always been together. After all, pets are amazing playmates and best friends for kids!!!

When my own kids saw me painting this portrait, they told me it made Bear look like a super hero dog. Perfect 😊

If you would like to order your own colorful pop art pet portrait, please click here to visit my shop. 

Custom Pop Art Pet Portraits

Art by Isadora will offer custom pop art pet portrait paintings on canvas! These portraits will be painted from photos of your pet and will be bold, colorful and super fun! 

The first sample is above, and there will be several more samples soon before I offer these live in my shop. Stay tuned, and as always, visit to see the wide variety of custom pet portraits I offer, all painted from photos of your pet.

Pop Art Pet Portraits Coming Soon!

Just a quick announcement for my customers and fans… get ready for some fun pet portraits coming your way! I am adding a new style of pet portrait to my repertoire. Pop art pet portraits!

Stay tuned! The listing will be added to my Etsy shop in the next month or so. In the meantime, if you are interested in having a pop art portrait painted of your dog, cat, horse, guinnea pig (you name it!) please contact me.